Kamis, 21 Juni 2012

KPK Must Not Remain Silent

THE collapse of two buildings in the sports training center at Mount Hambalang, Sentul, Bogor, West Java, further strengthens suspicions of foul play involving the elites of the Democratic Party (PD), and potentially causing losses to the state of up to Rp 1.2 trillion.
To that end, House leaders have urged the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to immediately conduct an investigation related to the collapse of the two buildings at Hambalang. “The Commission should give special attention to investigating the collapse of the buildings. This represents the entry point for the KPK to investigate,” said Deputy House Speaker Pramono Anung in Jakarta, Monday (28/5).
The PDI-P politician considers it strange that the unfinished buildings had collapsed. This implies construction on the project had been forced. “There’s something behind the construction of the buildings,” he added.
For this reason, he supports the plan of the House Commission X that is a partner of the Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs, to establish a Working Committee on Hambalang. In line with this, House Speaker Marzuki Alie also emphasized that the collapse of the badminton training building and the generator building at the Hambalang complex needs to be investigated.
“It will definitely be investigated, after all buildings have collapsed. If construction is not in accordance with specifications, this signifies ill intent on the part of the contractors, such as whether to lower the specs, and so harming the country,” said the Vice Chair of the Democratic Party Advisory Board.
Separately, the KPK as it came to know about the collapse of buildings at the sports center in Hambalang immediately visited the location. “A team has already gone to the site to ascertain whether buildings have indeed collapsed in Hambalang,” said KPK spokesman Johan Budi.
The KPK currently awaits the results of the investigation on the collapsed buildings. Johan acknowledges that the collapse of buildings in the Hambalang project where construction still continues is an additional input for the KPK in probing allegations of corruption.
As is known, the Hambalang construction project financed by state funds is suspected to be rife with foul play. In fact, the scandal has embroiled a number of past and present functionaries of the Democratic Party, such as party chief Anas Urbaningrum and his wife Athiyah Laila; Advisory Board Secretary and Youth and Sports Affairs Miniter Andi Mallarangeng; Democratic Party Faction Commission X Chair Mahyudin, former Executive Board Chair Angelina Sondakh , and former Treasurer Nazaruddin.

KPK Jangan Diam !
AMBRUKNYA dua bangunan di pusat pelatihan olahraga Bukit Hambalang, Sentul, Bogor, Jawa Barat, kian menguatkan dugaan adanya permainan kotor yang melibatkan elit Partai Demokrat (PD) dan berpotensi merugikan negara hingga Rp1,2 triliun.
Untuk itu, pimpinan DPR mendesak Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) segera melakukan investigasi dalam kasus amblasnya dua gedung Hambalang tersebut. “KPK harusnya semakin memberikan perhatian khusus untuk melakukan investigasi ambruknya gedung tersebut. Ini jadi pintu masuk bagi KPK untuk melakukan investigasi,” tegas Wakil Ketua DPR Pramono Anung di Jakarta, Senin (28/5).
Politisi PDIP ini menilai aneh bila gedung yang belum selesai dibuat itu malah sudah ambruk. Dan ini menyiratkan proyek tersebut dipaksakan pembangunannya. “Ada sesuatu dalam pembangunan gedung tersebut,” lanjutnya.
Karenanya, dia mendukung rencana Komisi X DPR yang merupakan mitra kerja Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga untuk membentuk Panitia Kerja (Panja) Hambalang. Senada dengannya, Ketua DPR Marzuki Alie juga menegaskan, ambruknya gedung pelatihan bulutangkis dan gedung genset di kompleks Hambalang perlu diinvestigasi.
“Pasti diinvestigasi, namanya gedung roboh. Kalau kontruksi tidak sesuai dengan spek, sudah ada niat jahat dari kontraktor, seperti apakah mengurangi spek, dan itu merugikan negara,” jelas Wakil Ketua Dewan Pembina DPP PD ini.
Di tempat terpisah,  KPK yang mengetahui perihal ambruknya gedung sport centre Hambalang langsung bergerak ke lapangan. “Tim sudah ke sana untuk melihat apakah benar ada yang roboh bangunan di Hambalang,” kata Juru Bicara KPK Johan Budi.
Pihaknya kini tengah menanti hasil pemeriksaan gedung roboh tersebut. Dan diakui Johan, robohnya bangunan  proyek Hambalang yang pembangunannya masih berjalan, menjadi tambahan KPK dalam menyelidiki adanya dugaan korupsi.
Seperti diketahui, proyek pembangunan Hambalang yang dibiayai dana APBN ditengarai sarat permainan kotor. Bahkan, sudah menyeret sejumlah pengurus dan mantan pengurus DPP PD, seperti Ketua Umum DPP PD Anas Urbaningrum dan istrinya, Athiyah Laila, Sekretaris Dewan Pembina DPP PD yang juga Menpora Andi Mallarangeng, Ketua Komisi X DPR dari FPD Mahyudin, mantan Ketua DPP PD Angelina Sondakh, dan mantan Bendahara Umum DPP PD Nazaruddin.

Conclusion :
         The collapse of the project Hambalang sports centre become a list of additional investigation kpk because any alleged inventions cheating because building collapsed before it is completed. Poverty alleviation commission pac suspect that there are engagement chief Anas Urbaningrum and his wife Athiyah Laila; Advisory Board Secretary and Youth and Sports Affairs Miniter Andi Mallarangeng; Democratic Party Faction Commission X Chair Mahyudin, former Executive Board Chair Angelina Sondakh , and former Treasurer Nazaruddin. Commission X of representatives DPR commission also cited poverty alleviation commission pac to not still face this case involving money Rp 1.2 trillion using state money.
source : http://the1sttimes.com/?p=2094